Giving SQ Fluids
Below is a step-by-step picture guide on how to give your patient subcutaneous (SQ) fluids. This should only be done when directed by your veterinarian.
Below is a step-by-step picture guide on how to give your patient subcutaneous (SQ) fluids. This should only be done when directed by your veterinarian.
Before you begin, make sure you have a bag of fluids, a fluid line, an 18 G needle (green top) and a cotton ball or two.
Before you begin: collect everything you need - fluid bag, line, needle and cotton ball
1. "Spike" the bag - this should only be done when you get a new bag. Pull white plug off new fluid bag, insert spikey white part of IV line into the new bag. Twist to seat it tightly.
Step 1: "Spiking" the bag
2. Apply NEW 18 gauge (green) needle to end of IV line - these twist on and lock in place. You should ALWAYS use a new needle, every time you give fluids.
Step 2: Attach a new needle
3. To allow fluids to run, unlock with either blue or green, compression lock. Also, check the white flow controller dial to make sure the line is open.
Step 3: Unlock the line - don't forget to check the white rate controller.
4. "Tent" skin between your fingertips to bring up skin between the shoulder blades. If you are giving fluids weekly or more often, try to move the injection site around a bit each time.
Step 4: "tent" the skin
5. Insert needle into "skin tent". Be firm to pop through the tough skin.
Step 5: insert needle through the skin
6. Begin giving fluids, as directed by your doctor. Only give the directed amount at the correct frequency.
Step 6: begin giving fluids, as directed by your doctor
7. Gravity is your friend, so hanging the bag on a coat hanger and then over a door speeds things up!
8. When removing the needle, apply pressure to the injection spot with a cotton ball. Don't forget to put the cap back on the needle.
And that's it! Let us know if you have any questions! Hope this helps out with giving your pet fluids at home!
A special thanks to Milly for serving as our model for these photographs.